My tiny and now 34-year-old house has lost its original luster, such as it ever was. Slowly, slowly, slowly we (and by "we" I [mostly] mean my son Eric: a running family joke) are trying to regain that luster and in many cases add a little shimmer where none existed before.
These are old photos; all this work was done last year. But in documenting this, I must start somewhere, yes?
This isn't quite as "before" as it could be, but I didn't take pictures of the real before. The lower part of the siding had rotted and was quite a mess.
During, which includes part of the side where the carport was enclosed, and the back:
The back of the house, before, not showing the siding repair. The paint was a 10-year paint, but it had been on the house for at least 15 years. Oops.
The side of the house. It's been enclosed and mostly primed, but not painted at this point.
Finally, the back, after:
I use Vista and it features that tiny slideshow off to the side. One of the "before" pictures caught my eye today, and even though I knew how bad it looked before, having lived with the "after" for close to a year I was still surprised by how truly ugly "before" was.
Watch this spot. If I don't disappear for another year and if the improvements underway do indeed get finished in a timely manner, I'll be posting the front yard odyssey, too.